Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Environmental Justice Is The Fair Treatment Of The...

The placement of companies deleterious to the environment and well-being of humans is something that prosperous communities are not quite familiar with; in contrast, it is something well-known to less affluent communities. The imbalance of classification shows a lack of environmental justice in low-income and minority communities. According to the EPA, or Environmental Protection Agency, â€Å"environmental justice is the fair treatment†¦ of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies,† (EPA, n.d.). However, the environmental justice, the EPA mentions is not prevalent in communities of color, but rather its counterpart is: environmental injustice. Environmental injustice, or environmental racism, being the excessive placing of perilous waste and contaminating polluters near communities of color (Cha, 2016). Although often overlooked, envi ronmental racism is an extensive problem that negatively affects minority communities in Southeast Los Angeles. As stated in the thesis, environmental injustice mostly affects minority communities. In a map presented by the Los Angeles Times, in Southeast LA there are 26 communities- which 83.9% of the inhabitants are of minority groups (Southeast, n.d.). Similarly, another map released by EPA from the 1990 U.S. Census illustrates that in places where there is 80 to 100% of people of color there is at least 2Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Martin Luther King Jr. s Letter From Birmingham Jail1399 Words   |  6 Pagesto be an underprivileged, unspoken for, minority. The marginalization of certain groups has occurred all throughout history with people being left to feel inferior and being left without access to equal rights. If it was not bad enough that this happens to people, the environment has been marginalized as well. 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